Tuesday Update: The Kids’ Closet.

One of my goals is to get a handle on my kids’ clothing. They’ve always had too much — it runs in the family! Given how messy they can be, it’s good to have some extra clothes, but not a week’s worth. I refreshed their wardrobes last week when I found some really great deals on quality clothes. My youngest might need a few more things but my oldest is all set. I can’t buy anything more for him. Not a thing. This is something I will need to repeat to myself many times, given my track record. No more for my 6-year-old! Unless he sprouts up like a weed, which will probably happen in the next few months.

I’ve already noticed some positive aspects of a smaller, contained wardrobe for them:

  • It’s much easier to pick out outfits in the morning.
  • I won’t have the guilt that I have every season when I see shirts or sweaters that have never been worn.
  • I know that everything fits, and can easily pick through to remove outgrown items.

These all apply to me, too. I can’t wait to get all my summer stuff out of my closet so I can enjoy a smaller fall/winter selection.

Tuesday Update…on Saturday: Fall 2012.

Sorry I skipped the Tuesday Update this week! It was the first time that both my kids were in school. It was glorious! Sure, I had visions of using that alone time for blogging and sipping coffee or catching up on Project Runway. But, I’m still on Fall 2012. So I spent the time returning and buying more things. Then I returned more again a few days later, and bought more. Then I updated the financial software to tag my clothing purchases (and returns) since I first started Unraveling to see my actual total. Not bad, if I only do it twice a year.

The plan was to buy a maximum of 5 on-trend pieces for the new season, but because I’d purged a ton from my closet, I also needed some basics. I ended up with 8 trendy items and 7 basics, and I think I can get through the next three seasons with these! I spent a bit more than I was hoping to, but I think I did very well. I’ve been shopping for only these specific items since late June and passing over anything that wasn’t on the list. My total spent was less than what I used to spend in a month on clothing. I have high hopes for the next few months, that I will spend very little on myself. I know I can do it and will enlist my husband to help.

Back to my closet. Want to know what I bought and am keeping?


  • Dark skinny jeans
  • Dark slim/straight jeans
  • Dark denim military-style jacket
  • Cobalt blue button-up shirt
  • Dark purple silky blouse
  • Mustard yellow boyfriend cardigan
  • White and yellow sleeveless bow blouse


  • Olive green beaded tank/shell that has a flowy overlay
  • Red straight-leg jeans
  • Blue-green animal print flowy blouse
  • Dark purple knit blazer with scrunched 3/4 sleeves (it’s machine wash/dry!!)
  • Dotted navy sweater
  • Dotted denim button-up shirt
  • Burnt orange cowl-neck modern sweatshirt
  • Pink-tinged floral chiffon henley blouse

Want to know what I returned?

  • Dark red skinny corduroy pants
  • Brown skinny corduroy pants
  • Raisin trousers
  • Black trousers
  • Black jeans
  • Emerald green henley blouse
  • Striped colorblock cardigan
  • Light green bird print flowy blouse
  • Dark pink python print sheer silk blouse
  • Dark red bird print flowy blouse
  • Black lace-up booties, 19th century style and so cute but too high of a heel for me
  • Black/white dotted button-up shirt
  • Leopard print sheer tie-neck blouse

There might be more, but I’ve lost track of my returns. That means I made the right decision to return! If they’re not memorable, I won’t miss them. Which reminds me, that’s a question I’ve started to ask myself when I’m not 100% sure about something. Do I remember it? If I put it back, can I find it again? Do I remember the color, print, shape? I’m surprised at how often something is not memorable.